I don't really make "resolutions" in January more of a list of internal promises to myself that I can keep track of...things I want to do, change, see, improve upon, goals,etc...one of those goals was to be better about what Bryan and I ate and what my kids ate...more organic, more homeade, no more Diet Coke for me (that has been hard) little to no sugar and NO HFCS (High Fructose Corn Syrup), that stuff grosses me out and it is in almost everything we eat! It has been banned in other countries but not here in the USA, lucky us! Don't get me wrong, I love to bake, I love to have a great cupcake or warm cookies for the kids when they get home for school, and I really don't want to deprive my kids of Easter candy but I can be more intentional about what I buy and how often they eat "treats" and making sure that the occassional "treat" is as whole as can be. I have managed to cut sugar out of our diets for the most part (still a work in progress) and have given up my Diet Cokes too...I would like to think that we eat pretty well overall, I rarely have "junk" (chips,store bought cookies, etc...) here and when my kids want cookies or something sweet, I try and make it myself and use sugar-free/low-sugar recipes. I went through all my food and threw anything with HFCS out as well as candy, crackers and even condiments that had sugar in them...it did not leave too much, sad but true. I have added two great websites that I have been using when grocery shopping, they provide lists of food without HFCS. I also follow a great blog who is posting recipes that are sugar free (and meat free, if interested) reguarly. I could go on and on here - and I still believe in the everything in moderation theory too! Let me know what you think...do you buy organic, allow sugar, drink diet coke? Do you think HFCS is as groass as I do? Share!
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