Baby Makes 5

Baby Makes 5

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Sparkle Fairy...

Charlotte often dreams of the Sparkle Fairy...she wakes-up and shares all the happy details...and last night she did not just visit in her dreams...she must of been bedside, as Charlotte awoke to many pink sparkles on her bedside table...yes she did!

Don't you wish you had a Sparkle Fairy?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pink Loves Green...

I ran in the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure this past Sunday! It was a great day, filled with friends and fun, and LOTS of pink, my fav!!! A beautiful race course and lots of inspiration as I saw countless "survivors"...made me stop and Thank God for my health! One of my good friends' Ann was the Race Director and she did an amazing job - a Volunteer who did not get paid and spent countless hours on this inagural event here in town. My girlfriend Kristin and Maggie are in the pic with friend Christie and her Mom walked and Christie is expecting her third little one. It was a great day all and all! And ladies...don't forget your self breast exams!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Eddie Ross Shopping Trip!

Have you heard of him...? The one and only Eddie Ross, former Design Star contestant and employee of Martha Stewart Omnimedia?! My friend Gindy and I are BIG fans of his, he has immaculate taste! Anyhoo, he and his partner travel the US conducting shopping trips/tips to local Flea Markets! He was taking recommendations for where to stop next and I suggested Kane County Flea Market outside Chicago...I grew up tagging along here with my Mom on weekends, we'd get up with the roosters and I was always "bribed" with a warm cake donut (Flea Market food is the best!!!), To just "hang in a little longer" - at the time I was often annoyed at these trips and now, fondly, I look back and they are some of my best memories! OK, now to the exciting news...Gindy and I reserved two covenant spots to join him on his Kane Co. trip on June 6!!! Yea, we will have the best time, can't wait to share all the treasures I know we will find with you all! In the meantime, stop by his blog, it is wonderful!

Have a great day!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yum, Yum!

These are so yum and are my kids new fav snack - all fruit, organic, ropes...Each "rope" is one serving of fruit. My kids beg me for fruit snacks but I rarely ever buy them (maybe 4 times a year)...they are just full of junk, so I just found these recently and they are so happy - they feel like they are still getting a "fruit snack" and I know they are really getting a "fruit snack", do you have a fav snack to share? For kids or tell!

PS- No threat of Salmonella with these babies either, phew!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Me and My Baby...

I know promised Mexico pics and I am working on that - promise...I am using a photo sharing site I have never used before so I am taking my time and making a slideshow. In the meantime though, I was sick of that Easter post/ time for a change...Isn't my baby cute? He is almost 17 months old and I cannot believe how much he has changed. It seems like overnight he went from baby to toddler. I adore him; of course I adore all my kids but there is something special we "share" I don't know if is the difficult months of bedrest we shared or the fact that he is indeed our "last" one but he owns a very special part of my heart. Here is just a glipse of Christian these days...
-Walking and talking - lots of bables...
-LOVES to go /be outside - he'll bring us his shoes when he is ready!
-Giggles, giggles, giggles...
-Responds to his name, and other things like "bring the ball", go "bye-bye", "brush hair" and "bathtime"....
-Thumb sucker - just like sissy, (except he sucks his left)
-10 teeth and working on more...
-Has a little temper, fiesty like his Mama - screams and throws down his toys if he unhappy...
-Gets very jealous of Charlotte or Campbell's attention from us - will actally push them out of the way to sit on our lap or will come and sit at our feet...
-Has HATED his bath of late, screams and tries to climb out - what baby hates their bath?! UGH...but after lots of time in the water in Mexico he is liking it better!
-Loves to ride in the car or stroller
-Good eater and better sleeper - about 12 hours at night and still naps two times a day 1-2 hours each...
-LOVES balls - any and all...
-Loves the park and the swings...we could stay and he would be happy for hours...
-A little guy, my "smallest", just 20lbs. and is in the 25% for both height and weight - can still wear size 12mo. clothing...
-Loves to snuggle and cuddle...
-LOVES his bottle - wants nothing to do with a sip cup...if this was 1 or 2 I would not stand for it, but not with Christian...he's the last so I say "who cares"?! Is that bad?!...
-He is ADORED by both his brother and sister (he adores both too but definately shows a prefernce to his brother right now...shhh - don't tell Charlotte!)
-Favs: His blue silky&minky blankie, yogurt,sweet potatoes,fruit,toast,Busy Ball Hopper, the playroom, the kitchen (loves to empty the drawers!), any toy that is not a toy (cell, phone, keys, and remotes!)...
-Claps his hands when excited!
-Leans in for kisses...the cutest!

Well, I am sure you are dying to hear more (ha!) but I will wrap it up by just thanking God for the gift that is his life, things could have gone drastically wrong on Oct.18, 2007(or any day thereafter) until you were born to me on December 6, 2007, one of the best days of my life...I am proud to be your Mama and I love you Christian!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Happy Easter

Easter Blessings to you all! We are back from a fabulous week in Mexico, rested, sun-tanned and ready for the Easter Bunny's visit! ... Back next week with vacay pics!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Happy Birthday...

A little late in this post but wishing you a Happy Birthday our sweet Bryan! Thank you for being the best husband and father we could ever hope are our everything! Hope you had a great day, we loved celebrating together. Kisses!

About Me

My photo
I am a stay at home Mom to 3 precious children! I am lucky enough to be married to the kindest, cutest, sweetest man! I love to do anything creative especially scrapbooking, taking pics, baking and crafting with the kids! I love design and throwing parties (especially for my babies) I love to cook, and entertain. I love my friends, my family and my faith. I am always striving to create a lovely home-life and make memories to last a lifetime!
